Moving my Tumblr to Octopress seems to be a bit more of a chore than I had initially expected. My journey into Jekyll turned out to be something that required more time that I could commit at this very moment, so I decided to take a quicker path to getting a better blogging workflow into my life by implementing some really exceptional work done Brandon Mathis in Octopress as recommended by my friend Brian Arnold.
Still, this is a new application that I haven’t had a chance to really kick the tires on. I tried to grab the less family specific pieces from the Tumblr I kept, and the more bloggy pieces from there. There is more work to be done on that front. For one, I need to get some of the original images from there for the technical pieces that I took screen captures of. In the mean time I’ll see if I can get URLs back to the original Tumblr pieces if there is any interest in that at all.
While I would love to spend time tweaking this install of Octopress, I suspect that I’ll spend the time I do have writing rather than tweaking for the moment. Forward progression is key for me right now, even though this is something I should dive deeper into.
If I ignore what I said above and fall into the abyss, I will post the tricks I find along the way.